Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the diffrence between google and igoogle?

My teacher always uses igoogle but what the diffrence between igoogle and the regular google?|||iGoogle lets you create a personalized homepage that contains a Google search box at the top, and your choice of any number of gadgets. Gadgets come in lots of different forms and provide access to activities and information from all across the web, without ever having to leave your iGoogle page|||In google all you can do is browse the web for whatever you're looking for. In igoogle you can do the same thingg but more. You can customize your own page with online Accessoriese that you can get for free. It's free, but you have to sighn up for it. Customization.|||IGoogle is personalized, you can add games and other random stuff to it. While Google is Google.|||None - iGoogle is just when you sign into your Google/Gmail account, then you can personalize your Google page.|||iGoogle is personalized

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