Saturday, December 10, 2011

How do you look at all your bookmarks on your personal igoogle homepage?

meaning, I have more in the list than is visible. I like igoogle homepage bookmarks as you can access your favorite sites on any computer. |||Do yourself a favor and unclutter bookmarks to begin with. IE, I have all my catagories and types of websites organised into folder has tv, radio, and movies in it. people search folder has numerous links to finding phone, address, and people lookups, etc. You can also paste these folders directly into the bookmarks bar. yea well brightboy, maybe all these bookmarks folders are my imagination then? Instead of askin a question you dont want an answer to, pay attent to what someone says! You simply have a bookmark tab on your browser. When you click it, it opens a truckload of bookmarks. READ MY LIPS! LOOK AT THE ORGANIZE BOOKMARKS BEFORE YOU SHOOT YOUR BIG MOUTH OFF!

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